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Can babies eat their fingers with bitter gourd?baby pacifier newborn wholesaler


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Can babies eat their fingers with bitter gourd?baby pacifier newborn wholesaler Home

Can babies eat their fingers with bitter gourd?baby pacifier newborn wholesaler

source:baby pacifier Vendor release time:2022-06-20


  In daily life, many babies have the bad habit of eating their fingers, but this is also a very normal phenomenon. Many mothers will try to apply something on the baby's fingers to prevent the baby from eating their fingers. Bitter gourd? Can my baby eat fingers instead of a pacifier?

  Can a baby smear bitter gourd on his fingers?

  If the baby eats fingers, you can smear bitter gourd on the fingers. Children who like to eat fingers can pay attention to correct bad habits, eat light and regular to strengthen nutrition, and bitter gourd is a natural seasoning, which is not harmful to the baby's body. Pay attention to observe the child's growth and development, and if necessary, the local regular comprehensive children's hospital health check. However, when smearing bitter gourd juice, pay attention to choosing bitter gourd that is not too bitter, otherwise it may cause a certain degree of damage to the taste of the baby who is too young. Usually, babies start sucking their fingers at 3-4 months old, reach a peak at 7-8 months old, and gradually decrease and disappear after 2 years old. The baby will naturally stop eating when he has enough. Before that, there is no need to intervene too much. If you blindly prevent the baby from enjoying the pleasure of sucking, it may become naughty, impulsive, and lack of self-control in the future.

  Can the baby eat fingers instead of a pacifier?

  It is best not to use a pacifier instead of eating fingers. If the baby is in the stage of tooth eruption, using a pacifier can easily affect the development of the teeth, and it is more likely to cause dental deformities, such as blistering. If the child eats fingers is serious, parents do not need to deliberately correct the baby, but to ensure that the baby's fingers are clean, and to develop the habit of washing hands frequently, otherwise it is easy to breed bacteria and cause diseases. In addition, parents can buy a teether for the baby to hold on their hands, which may improve the occurrence of the baby's desire to eat fingers. At the same time, they should also pay attention to whether the teether is clean and disinfected in time. Once the baby can crawl, the hygiene of the fingers needs to be considered, so a pacifier can still be used.

  How big can a baby eat with fingers

  First of all, it has been observed that some parents are very sensitive to the phenomenon of their baby eating their hands. They are so sensitive that they stop it immediately before they see that the baby is ready to bite their hands. Some parents may take the opposite approach, regardless of the baby, and think it is normal. of. In fact, it is normal for babies under the age of 1 to eat their hands. Among the babies of several months old, many actually like to chew on things. Mothers don’t have to stop it even if they relax. Careful mothers may find that when two or three-month-old babies chew their hands, their hands often fall out of their mouths. They are not yet mature, and they cannot control their hand movements very well. Baby eating hands can promote the development of the baby's motor system and coordination system. For example, when some babies eat their right hands, in order to prevent the right hand from slipping or not being able to eat, sometimes Will hold the right hand with the left hand, in fact, such a baby is really very smart, the mother does not need to be overly sensitive and forcibly stop it.

  Why do babies eat fingers

  It is relatively common for babies to eat their fingers, because most of the babies eat their fingers because the baby is in the oral stage. Generally, with the increase of age, the habit of eating hands can be improved by itself. However, if eating hands is obvious in the later stage, appropriate intervention can be carried out, especially after one year of age, because it may lead to abnormal tooth development and abnormal oral development. Wash your hands frequently to avoid gastrointestinal infections. Pay attention to observe whether the baby is accompanied by other discomfort symptoms, in case it is caused by physical discomfort.

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