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Shenzhen Yuan Feng Xing Ye Technology Co.,Ltd.
Does the pacifier have a hole? The difference between the teether and the pacifier


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Does the pacifier have a hole? The difference between the teether and the pacifier Home

Does the pacifier have a hole? The difference between the teether and the pacifier

source:News release time:2022-05-05

  Wide Mouth Silicone Baby Bottle(图1)

  In the growth stage of babies, pacifiers and teethers are very popular baby oral products, which can help mothers solve many problems. But there are also many mothers who are confused about these two products. Many mothers have not used pacifiers for their babies, and want to know whether pacifiers also have holes and how they are different from teethers. The following will give you a detailed introduction to whether the pacifier has a hole, the difference between the teether and the pacifier. Pacifiers usually do not have holes, because if they have holes, it is easy for the baby to inhale air. Once the air enters the stomach, it is easy to cause discomfort such as abdominal pain, flatulence, and milk leakage.

  The differences between teether and pacifier are as follows:

  1. Different effects

  As the name suggests, it can soothe the baby, and the pacifier is similar to the mother's nipple. It is a substitute for the baby to suck hygienically and safely. It can stabilize the baby's emotions, help the baby to calm down, and bring the baby a sense of security. and comfort.

  Teething gum is a mother-infant product that helps babies press their gums. By sucking and chewing gum, the baby can relieve the itching and discomfort of the baby's teeth, promote the coordination of the baby's mouth and hands, and promote the growth of the baby's deciduous teeth, thereby promoting the baby's intellectual development. .

  2. Different use time

  The baby is suitable for using a pacifier before six months, and the baby can slowly transition to the teether after six months, which can also prevent the baby from becoming dependent on the pacifier as soon as possible.

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