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baby's first pacifier!pacifiers wholesale


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baby's first pacifier!pacifiers wholesale

source:News release time:2022-05-12


  Many parents may already have such experience: when the child is crying, put the pacifier in his mouth, the baby will stop crying immediately, and "nibble" the pacifier wholeheartedly; other children are very fond of eating fingers, why? Can't say it can be changed. Faced with these questions, mothers are a little confused...

  Sucking is a baby's need

  Whether it is sucking a pacifier or sucking a finger, it is actually a physiological reflex and psychological need of the baby.

  Sucking is an innate reflex behavior of babies, so that babies can suck milk smoothly as soon as they are born to meet their physical needs. It can also be traced back to the fetal stage in the womb, when the fetus sucks its own thumb while doing nothing in the amniotic fluid. So fingers are the first pacifiers that are born with them.

  At the same time, sucking is one of the ways babies deal with stress, and most babies suck their fingers or suck on a pacifier within 1 year of age.

  Compared with sucking fingers, pacifiers are more hygienic, can also calm the baby's emotions, calm him down, and help the baby learn nasal breathing. But when using, also pay attention to:

  1. Do not use a pacifier until the newborn has learned to breastfeed properly. Because sucking a nipple and a pacifier (including a bottle) are different muscle mechanisms. Introducing a pacifier too early can cause confusion for your baby, interfere with your child's ability to learn proper bite techniques, and make breastfeeding unsuccessful.

  2. Don't give your child a pacifier. Pacifiers are an adjunct to parental child care, not a substitute. When the baby is noisy and disturbed, parents should pay attention to the time and situation of the child's noisy, try to interpret his needs: whether he is hungry, sleepy, or needs an adult to hold, and then decide whether to give him a pacifier. Some parents put a pacifier into a pacifier to shut up as soon as they hear their child cry, which is a bad habit for both children and adults.

  3. When using a pacifier, you must pay attention to hygiene, so as not to introduce bacteria into the baby's mouth and cause discomfort to the baby.

  4. Long-term use of pacifiers may cause malocclusion, so the use of pacifiers should not be too long. Under normal circumstances, a child should start quitting when he is 1 year old, and it should not exceed 4 years old at the latest. Otherwise, after the child's jaw bone is shaped, it will take a lot of effort to straighten the gums.

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