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What is the function of a pacifier?


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What is the function of a pacifier?

source:News release time:2022-03-22


  The pacifier is used with the bottle. Below we mainly explain the function of the following pacifier. There are many benefits of pacifiers. Most American babies start using pacifiers from birth and will use them around three years old. The benefits of a pacifier are:

  1. Calm down your emotions. Sucking through the mouth will help the baby to transfer tension and enhance the sense of security; it is very effective for crying babies, maybe a pacifier is a good baby that the baby finds to regulate emotions.

  2. Safe sleep. The latest study, which compared 500 American families with small babies, found that babies who sleep with a pacifier are three times less likely to die of sudden death than those who don't. This is because the pacifier will keep the baby in a supine or side sleeping position, and will not increase the chance of sudden death because of the prone position; at the same time, eating a pacifier will help the baby get used to breathing through the nose, effectively preventing "disease from the mouth" .

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